Calling all adventurers! Set sail with Missoula Children’s Theatre for a week-long swashbuckling intergenerational production of Treasure Island! This exciting show offers over 60 roles for aspiring actors.


Here’s the scoop:

  • Guaranteed spot in the program: Register now and secure your place on the crew!
  • Role assignments through a fun audition: Show off your skills on the first day of rehearsal.
  • Commitment required: Be prepared to attend all rehearsals and performances.
  • Free: There is no fee to participate in this program.


  • Starts on Monday, September 9th at 4 PM and runs through Friday, September 13.
  • Rehearsals run from 4 PM to 8:15 PM each day.
  • Kindergarten-7 years old: Rehearsals are from 4 PM to 6 PM only.


  • Set sail for adventure with two performances on Saturday, September 14th at 11 AM and 3 PM.
  • Tickets ($12 plus fees and tax) go on sale at 9 a.m. on August 12.
  • Mateys of all ages are welcome at this G-rated performance.
