Our Supporters
Season Supporters
This list includes all general and membership donations totaling $100 or more in support of the Capitol through January 8, 2025.
Thomas and Virginia Bare Charitable Fund of Lakeshore Community Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph DiRaimondo
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Nancy Just
Harold C Kallies Charitable Trust
Christine D Kornely and Rick L Gerroll
Jim and Barbee Lester
Susan Murtaugh
Helen Gajdys and Lester Reis Endowment Fund for Children
Tim and Ann Salutz
Seehafer Broadcasting
The West Foundation
Wisconsin Arts Board
The Gerroll Family in memory of Joyclyn Gerroll
Tod Pauly in memory of Robert Gerroll and Joyclyn Gerroll
John and Laurale Stern
David Wage and Sandra Murzyn
Richard and Elizabeth Auchter
Michael Fordney and Beth Healy
Terry and Paula Fox
Roy and Darlene Geigel
Biff and Shiela Hansen
Jane Hurst
Kelly Keedy in honor of the Keedy’s
Mark and Michelle Klaiber
Thomas O’Connor
Craig and Cindy Pauly
Phyllis Reinert
Genny Shields and Mike Knotek
Andrew Steimle
Brian Thielen in memory of Peter Thielen
Dr. Joseph E. and Rhonda Trader
John and Bernie Zimmer
Tom and Julia Angst
John and Susan Bohlin
Gerald G and Mary Jeanne Censky Charitable Fund of Lakeshore Community Foundation
Tom and Mary Chermak
Marlene Dramm
Kenlyn Gretz in memory of Wayne Mertens
Hamann Construction Company
Peter and Diane Hansen
Bernie and Patty Huettl
Dolores Janda
Don and Lynn Kiel
David Kohlmeyer
Christine Kornely and Rick Gerroll in memory of Shirley Schmill
Brad and Stefanie Lighthall
Drs. Timothy Maatman and Phyllis Schippers
Michael and Mary Maples
Charlotte Nysse
Carl Olson and Lauretta Krcma-Olson
Jean Olson
Dennis and Rochelle Salzman
Schaus Mechanical
Paul and Joan Schmid
Jean Wolfmeyer
Robert Barr
Kathleen Basten-Sturm in honor of Henry Tyeptanar
Shan Bergeon
Gary and Chris Blimel
Paul F. and Karen M. Bouril
John Cashman and Mary Govier
Cedar Crest Specialties, Inc.
Dave and Sandy Diedrich
Jim and Kim Everett
Thomas and Candice Giesen
Kenlyn Gretz in memory of Joyclyn Gerroll
Vicki Grimstad
George and Julie Grinde
Stephen and Beverly Hamann
Jean Huempfner
Scott and Becky Jagemann
Leah Jerabek
Doretta Klein
Peggy A. Krey in memory of Ann Zankle
David and Eileen Lallensack
Shirley Larson
Geoffrey and Carla Liban
Roger and Jan Mettelmann
Jim and Susie Miller
Brett and Rebecca Norell
Manitowoc Pharmacies Inc
Dr. and Mrs. John and Ana Sadowksi
David and Stacey Soeldner
John and Maureen Stelzer
Joyce Stuckmann
Tom and Elizabeth Tearpock
Dik and Joan Waak
David Wage and Sandra Murzyn in memory of Jane Lohmeyer
Charles Wernecke and Dianne Wilson
Patrick and Jean Willis
Tom and Dr. Tracie Wurm
Fred Yeo and Roxanna Strawn
Carole Anhalt
Susan Atlas
The Leon & Florence Balaban Families
Rieck and Sandra Beiersdorf
Bernie and Barb Bennett
Robert and Shirley Blattler
Robert and Deborah Bonk
Janice Borgwardt
Ed Brey and Barbara Tringali-Brey
Ken and Barbara Brooks
Michael Canty
Damon and Mary Cattani
Dr. Louis Chicquette
Christine Corbett in memory of Donna Peroutka
John and Jane Crubaugh
William and Dedra Davies
Bill and Mary Dean
Dr. Donald and Brenda Debruyn
Cathy DeLain
Lindy and Sharon Denamur
Dave, Sonja, and Erin Devore
Kay Dewayne
Lucille Dewein
Jan Donatell
Mary Drohman
Edwin and Donna Duckart
Nancy Duckart
Sharon Enos
Tony and Jenn Fodden
Fricke Printing Service in memory of Joyclyn Gerroll
Michael and Michele Frozena
Carol Gibson
Dennis and Linda Grabowski
Carol Gruetzmacher
Terry and Judy Guedlner
Rae Gutschow in memory of Ernst Gutschow
James and Jane Hamann in memory of Nan Disch
Sandra Hardrath in memory of JoAnne Bartelme
Geraldine Hartlaub
Doris Hartman
David, Theresa, and Eric Haupt
Jerry and Linda Haupt
Peter Hecker
Ruth Heili
Michael and Debbie Herzfeldt
Bernie & Patty Huettl in memory of Joyclyn Gerroll
Charles & Ruth Ann Indestad
Marge Jehle
Bob and Ruth Jome
Wolf and Betty Kannegiesser
James Kasper and Lori Litersky
Barbara Katz
John and Shelly Keil
Mark and Denise Kitzerow
Mark & Michelle Klaiber in memory of Ione Kueter
Rita Klein
Steven and Karyn Joy Kleinfeldt
Barbara Koch
Karl and Jeanne Koch
Mary Jo Kocourek in memory of John Kocourek
Tom and Betsy Kocourek
Patrick and Beth Kohlman
Georgia Kohlwey
Jim Konitzer and Linda Justema
Rick L. Gerroll and Christine D. Kornely in memory of Shirly Gigure
Alice Kosloski
Ralph and June Kramer in memory of Joanne Troupe
Jack and Marie Kubitz
Mike, Mary, and Chombi Lambert
Laurie Langley
Michael Laughrin
Patrick and Mary Limoni
Annette Loper in honor of Christine Kornely and Rick Gerroll
Sue Luther
Gene and Kathy Mand
David and Lois Masarik
Sarah Matthies
Mark Maurer and Laura Docter
Steve McMahon and Jane B Foster
Kathryn Mealy
Janet Menton-Proffitt
Jim and Lu Mielke
Mona Moen
Jason and Amy Muench
Elaine Naidl
Audrey Niquette
Ken and Christine Noskowiak
Christine O’Kelley in memory of Joanne Troupe
Robert and Ellen Oldenburg
Gary Omernick
Mark Otto
Connie Randolph
Sally Rasmuson
Chris Raymond in memory of Joanne Troupe
Emmy Rebitz
Paul Reilly
Tom and Sharon Reilly
Jon and Barb Rex
Jason Ring
Roger Rodewald
Andrew and Ellen Rosik
Romelle Rusch
Carol Schill
Patti Schmatz
James Schmelzle and Theresa Burbey
Kathy Schmill
Diana Schroeder
David and Nancy Schueffner
Robert A. Schuh and Mary Brethouwer
Keith and Sue Shaw
Paul and Bonnie Simons
Kirsten Sleger
Jeanette Smith
Robert and Darla Sonntag
John and Mary Jo Stangel
Jim and Dawn Steckmesser
Boyd and Lynn Stueck
Pete Stuntz
Jo Marie Swanson
Dennis and Mary Swetlik
Gail Terry
Joanne Thompson
Bob and Kim Thompson
Bob and Peggy Turnbull
Don and Janet Vogt
Norb and Sharon Vogt
Chuck and Kathi Vraney
Beverly Wallace
Barbara Weekes-Chapman
Lorraine Wretne
Tim and Michelle Zinkel
Endowment Supporters
We extend our sincere thanks to the individuals who have chosen to leave a legacy of support for the Capitol Civic Centre through their generous endowment gifts.
JoAnne A. Bartelme
We extend our sincere thanks to the individuals who have made a difference in the Capitol Civic Centre’s future by contributing to the Endowment Fund between July 1, 2024, and January 8, 2025.
Thomas and Julia Angst
Richard and Elizabeth Auchter
Michael and Linda Bail
Zach and Melyssa Behnke
Rieck and Sandra Beiersdorf
Shan Bergeon
Robert and Shirley Blattler
Janice Borgwardt
Patrick and Linda Brandel
Ed Brey and Barbara Tringali-Brey
John Cashman and Mary Govier
Tom and Mary Chermak
Diane Cisler
Matthew and Stacey Culligan
David’s House of Travel
Dave, Sonja, and Erin Devore
Kay Dewane
Lucille Dewein
Dave and Sandy Diedrich
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph DiRaimondo
Jan Donatell
John Durbrow and Karen Steingraber
Chesley Erwin, Jr. and Nancy Davis
Dianne Finnegan
Jerome and Gail Fox
Fricke Printing Service
Thomas and Candice Giesen
Pradeep Giriyappa and Annette Kaminsky
Vicki Grimstad
George and Julie Grinde
Carol Gruetzmacher
Ernest and Rae Gutschow
Rev. and Mrs. Haag
James and Jane Hamann
Bryan and Darlene Hanke
Biff and Sheila Hansen
Jerry and Linda Haupt
Peter Hecker
James Heinzen
Dan Hornung and Dr. Anne Schuette
Jean Huempfner
Bernie and Patty Huettl
Charles and Ruth Ann Indestad
Dolores Janda
Leah Jerabek
Mary Beth Karbon
Barbara Katz
Mark and Michelle Klaiber
Doretta Klein
Georgia Kohlwey
Christine D Kornely and Rick L Gerroll
Alice Kosloski
Peggy A. Krey
Brian and Carrie Kulas
Mike, Mary, and Chombi Lambert
Garth Landon
Kenneth and Mary Langer
Laurie Langley
Drs. Timothy Maatman and Phyllis Schippers
Michael and Mary Maples
Steve McMahon and Jane B. Foster
Melissa Mecca
Janet Menton-Proffitt
Jim and Lu Mielke
Mike and Amy Molepske
Charlotte Nysse
Carl Olson and Lauretta Krcma-Olson
Jean Olson
Craig and Cindy Pauly
Ken and Mary Petersen
Mrs. Olive Press
Sally Rasmuson
Paul Reilly
Tom and Sharon Reilly
Andrew and Ellen Rosik
Barbara Ruffell
Romelle Rusch
John and Sandee Rusiniak
Dr. and Mrs. John and Ana Sadowski
Tim and Ann Salutz
Schaus Mechanical
Anthony Scherer
Matthew Schliesman
James Schmelzle and Theresa Burbey
Don and Mary Shimon
David and Stacey Soeldner
John and Mary Jo Stangel
John and Laurale Stern
Tom and Elizabeth Tearpock
Joanne Thompson
Dr. Joseph E. and Rhonda Trader
Bob and Peggy Turnbull
Chuck and Kathi Vraney
Dik and Joan Waak
The West Foundation
Dave and Patti Wilke
Patrick and Jean Willis
Jean Wolfmeyer
Lorraine Wretne
Fred Yeo and Roxanna Strawn
Producing Partner

Directing Partner

Contributing Partner

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Community Supporter